The next Monday, we are five minutes from school and she says, "Mama? On Friday you were telling me about how babies get inside the mama and we were interrupted." So I try to gather my thoughts, recognizing that although everything would be over Safa's head and Eden probably isn't paying attention (God love her. She's just usually daydreaming), there are two younger siblings in the car. So I take a deep breath and say something like, "Well, mamas have tiny, tiny eggs that we can't even see. And papa's have something very tiny that we can't see either. And when you put those two parts together, a baby gets made. And it starts off so small that we can't see it, and it grows and grows inside the mama until it is ready to be born."
Not good enough---"But HOW?"
Another deep breath, "Well, a mama and papa decide they want to have a baby, and then they lie very close to each other to make the baby."
And she says, in a very matter-of-fact tone, "Like on the floor, or at night, or what?"
So I say, "Well, that's up to the mama and papa to decide."
She was satisfied. At least for awhile.