Thursday, April 26, 2007

April 25 2007

Today we sent the application to Children's Home and Family Services (CHSFS) along with proof of medical insurance and two pictures--one of our house and one of the five of us. Meghan took about ten pictures of us right before Ava and Eden were about to go to school. We found one that worked. One that we hoped said "We can do this. We are ready."

I think of you a lot. I've been thinking of you for years. But who is this "you"? Maybe it's not even "you", but "both of you". Are you a resilient four-year-old? A tiny infant? Perhaps you've not even been born yet. Boy or girl? It's an interesting thing to love someone you don't know. Someone you've never met. But this is what we humans do isn't it? We fall in love with the baby long before we hold them in our arms. We daydream about what they will look like and how their skin will feel touching ours. Adoption is just a gestation of another kind. Today wasn't a very big step in the overall process of adopting internationally. But it feels big to us. Because with it we are saying, "We are coming for you."

Here We Go!!!

The purpose of this blog will be to chronicle our process of adopting from Ethiopia. We are so thrilled to be finally beginning the journey after years of waiting! I have known that I wanted to adopt since I was a teenager. Erik and I have been discussing it for over a decade. We cannot wait to meet the next member of our seemingly ever-expanding family.

Why Ethiopia? I will someday soon write a bit about the amazingly rich culture of Ethiopia and its history. For now I will answer this question on a personal level. There are some practical reasons---the length of time required to stay is shorter than many other countries' programs, the fee's are more reasonable than other programs, the children are not generally exposed to prenatal substance abuse, the level of care they receive in our agency's care center is high (although it is still institutional living in a Third World country). Ethiopian children rarely have attachment issues because children are so highly regarded in their culture. What this means is that most often they have been loved and have loved. And children who have loved and been loved, can love and accept love once again.

Most of it I feel in my heart though. After deciding years ago on Ethiopia, I forced myself to consider adopting domestically. Then other countries---India? What about Guatemala? But my heart kept leading me back to Ethiopia until finally it became impossible to ignore. I even said out loud on more than one occasion, " If we don't do it from there, I can't see doing it at all." My mind literally couldn't create the image of another path. The truth is the best answer I have to "Why Ethiopia?" is this one that I read from another adoptive mama---Because that is where my children are.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


screamer in delight and anger down dog peek-a-boo, tummy patting sing along, clap along, big sister tag along trying to keep up, abandoned cup scavenger, climber cuddles, pointing, and "uh-ooohhh" looter of pens, eater of crayons, opportunistic raider tough, no b.s taking, knows karate and ka-razy joker, animal lover, book fanatic bath splasher, happy riser, sweet baby breath loud, lunchbox lover, dog follower  slow teether, fast walker, sisters' biggest fan


sunshine, charm, and fish kisses world's messiest and pickiest eater "stinky tower" building with blocks, vigorous waterplay, happy face drawing web worms, sticks, acorns thirsty, hot, red-cheeked flighty, spacey, in one ear and out the other leads ava without awareness, brave without thinking laughter, in-tune singing, music in the car at all costs former fruit bat, lover and hater of safa, bottom lip out pouter "i wish...", lollipops, and deep sleep ready to laugh, storyteller, hair-twirler "what's your name?", sweetness personified, shy at school lovely and loving


curiousity, kindness, and everything "right"
dirty hair, muddy fingernails, and sweat
question asker, seeker of knowledge, her sisters' keeper
tattle-tell, crying over spilled milk, reluctant fighter
pronunciator of "pachycephalosaurus" without blinking or pride
belly rubs, skipper of naps, dreading the night,
wishes for more chocolate milk, more chapter books, more siblings
kindergarten fantasizer, baby-lover (doll and human)
brave because she is often fearful, loner, good companion
swings, dinosaurs, running
thinking and thoughtful, suprisingly silly
indian food lover, windows down in the car no matter the weather

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


"I guess I have a gooder remembery than you." -Ava (I'm certain this is true)

"I want my shirt off because I'm too crazy" -Eden
"I made a poop that looks like a sculpture." -Eden (she was right)

"uh-oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" -Safa

Now that Safa is getting older she's more fun for Eden...she's also more annoying to her